Barış Arıcı

Dr. Barış Arıcı

I graduated from the Faculty of Health Sciences at Mugla University. I was born in Samsun on May 29, 1990.
From 2013 until 2015, he was employed for Acıbadem Health Group as a manager.

In 2015 and 2016, he was employed by Memorial Health Group in the organ transplantation department.
Since 2016, he has been employed in the hair transplant sector.
He completed his professional studies in Kuwait, Serbia, Turkey, Russia, and Cyprus.
In February 2021, he established the Sapphire Hair Clinic and Venus Aesthetic Clinic in Moscow.
In March 2021, he established Sapphire Hair Clinic and Istanbul Venus Aesthetic Clinic.
At the moment, he directs clinics in Istanbul and Moscow.


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